Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A New Beginning

I've had a handful of other blogs before. For some reason, it seems like the right time to start a new blog. This is the first time I've stayed with the same program to start the new blog, though. (My old blog is here).

Everything is just kind of new in my life right now. It's spring, and I've got a new apartment and a new boyfriend. I just had an interview for a new job for the summer, and I might be picking up a new minor soon. "New" seems to be the key word in my life right now, but it took awhile to get to all these things.

I moved into an apartment in May, and almost immediately hated one of my two roommates. About two months later, her boyfriend moved in with us, and our other roommate moved out. Six weeks later, a new roommate moved in. The original roommate was really mean to her, and never really talked to her. However, the original roommate moved out in December, and we were all very happy...until we realized we weren't going to find a new roommate very easily.

So, on January 13, 2007, I was assigned to a UND one bedroom apartment. I moved in a little less than a month later. It's been great. It's probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. It was hard, though. I've never really lived alone before. My roommates were gone for awhile over the summer, so I'd had a taste of living alone. I've found that living alone is great. Things don't get messy as fast if there's only one person there, and it's not a big deal to wash a dish so I can use it to cook. The bathroom hasn't really gotten "dirty" enough to clean yet, and I've stayed really organized. I still have a little unpacking to do, but I hope to take care of most of it this week -- Spring Break.

The day I got my apartment assignment letter was also the day that I went out on my first date with Trevor. We had met in November through our mutual friends, Rachel and Nate. I instantly fell for him, and he instantly fell for me.

There was just one problem: Nate and Rachel said Trevor had a girlfriend.

When we saw each other, we talked a lot. I fell for him a little more each time, and I hated myself for it. I started wondering about Trevor's girlfriend. Why wasn't she ever with him when we went out? I asked someone about it, and they said, "Oh, I think she works a lot of nights. She's a nurse or something, I guess."

We ran into each other a few times during finals week, and I started to dread going home for the break because I knew it meant I wouldn't see Trevor. That was when it started to hit me that something had to happen. He had to leave the girlfriend or something. I would go insane otherwise.

We exchanged some messages on Facebook over the break, and I nearly invited him to come visit me on the farm. When I came back in January, I kept hoping I'd run into Trevor somewhere. It took an entire week for me to run into him at Rachel's Fiesta Bowl party. We talked for a long time that night, and we talked again the next night at Buffalo Wild Wings (a Tuesday tradition with our circle of friends). I didn't hear from him again for three days. On the third night, he called me, and we talked for several hours on the phone. At the end, he asked me out for coffee, and that's how it all began.

I soon had all the questions answered about the girlfriend: She didn't exist. Someone had made her up in an effort to keep us apart. A lot of the made up details were pretty close to his last girlfriend, who had broken up with him a couple years earlier, but the girlfriend just didn't exist. I was elated.

Yesterday was our two month anniversary. Trevor flew out of Fargo around 7 a.m. to go to an interview in Atlanta with Atlantic Southeast Airlines. His interview begins at 1 p.m. EDT today, and if he makes it through today, he begins again at 7 a.m. EDT tomorrow morning. If he gets the job, he will probably be moving to Atlanta next month. With luck, he will have enough seniority to transfer to the Twin Cities area in about a year.

His call for the interview came about eight days after we started dating, so we've had almost two months to talk about this. We've decided to do the long distance thing. We just get along so well, and it's ridiculous to throw that away just because he's moving across the country. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. It would really stink, but that's just how it goes. If it does work out, though, then the potential Communications minor would really come in handy because I could then easily get a position teaching English in the Minnesota schools. So, we'll see how the next few months go. I may even find myself living in Atlanta in a year. Who knows?

As far as my new's a summer position with Enrollment Services at UND. I'll likely be giving language placement tests during freshman registration and orientation. I actually worked in the language lab doing the same thing for two years already, so I'm fairly confident I will be hired to do it this summer. I should hear back about the job next week some time. I'd love to get it -- I couldn't handle working at Target for another summer. I want my nights and weekends back. Last summer, I usually worked 4-11 p.m. every day. That meant no weekends at home, no free evenings, and no morning plans because I'd be up so late the night before. I'd much rather work 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and go to bed early than be up all night and sleep in late.

Speaking of being up all night and sleeping in late, I'd better go to bed soon or else I'll lose the day to sleep....

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